Subject Leader: Mrs V Williamson

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is integral to all that we do at Baguley Hall Primary school. Our teaching of PSHE allows pupils to develop into well-rounded and successful members of society with the resilience to overcome and ‘bounce back’ from life’s challenges?

We deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and ensures that each of our pupils will know more, remember more and understand more about how to play a positive and successful role within our society, both as a child and as an adult within the future. We provide pupils with a knowledge of their world, locally, nationally and globally and give them confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up within this. We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Moreover, our pupils are encouraged to develop their resilience. We encourage all of our pupils to stick at challenging tasks and to look for opportunities to develop their life skills further. Beyond our documented curriculum, the school’s values of resilience and treating others as we wish to be treated provide a culture that contributes equally towards the pastoral development of our children. Therefore, our teaching approach places great emphasis upon kindness and compassion: group work is a key element of all classrooms in order for our children to practise treating each other with care and respect.

We follow the Manchester Healthy Schools scheme of work. An overview of this can be found here.

For more information please see the documents below. 

RSE at Baguley Hall

Relationships and Sex Education is an important part of our PSHE curriculum at Baguley Hall. Please find attched below some resources and further information for parents and carers. If you do have any questions or advice please don't hestitate to get in toich with either Mrs Buluman or Mrs Williamson (PSHE Coordinator). 

Below is a list of objectives for each year group which will be covered in RSE lessons during the second half of the Summer term.

Year group


Topic/theme details


Summer 2

  1. Who are the special people in my life? (family)
  2. What are the differences and similarities between people?
  3. What are the similarities between girls and boys? (body parts)


Summer 2

  1. What is private? (body parts)
  2. What happens when the body grows young to old?
  3. What is fair, unfair, kind and unkind? (friendship)


Summer 2

  1. What is personal space? (unwanted touch)
  2. What does a healthy relationship look like? (friendship)
  3. Why is being equal important in relationships? (trust)


Summer 2

  1. What is diversity? (inc. LGBT+)
  2. Do boys and girls have different roles? (sport/jobs/toys)
  3. What changes happen to my body? (menstruation)


Summer 2

  1. What are the different relationships in my life?
  2. What is unwanted touch? Understanding FGM
  3. What is puberty?


Summer 2

  1. What changes happen in my life?
  2. What happens in a loving relationship (incl. marriage) and what is forced marriage?
  3. How is a baby made?


PSHE Vocabulary


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