School Meals

As many of you are aware there has been a new menu on a rota basis since 11th March. We would now like parents to book their child's menu choice via School Spider. Not only will this help with the reduction of food waste but will also mean that more children are getting their preferred meal option.

Meal choices will soon be available for booking for the final half-term of this school year, starting with week 1. Ideally we would like meals to be booked 2 to 3 weeks in advance to allow the catering team enough time to order the required quantities of food. All meals need to be pre booked, even if your child is entitled to a free school meal.

To make your choice you need to login to your School Spider account and book your child in for a school meal then choose from the options available. If you select 'Let school decide' your child will be provided with the main option of the day.

We are very keen to encourage as many children as possible to have a school meal, especially those who are entitled to a free school meal.


All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are entitled to a FREE school lunch. 

If your child is in another Year group and you are unsure if they are eligible for Income Related Free School Meals you can apply at: or contact the school office for advice.

Packed Lunches

Whilst we encourage all our children to enjoy a home cooked meal everyday in the school dining room, we understand that some families prefer to opt for packed lunches.  We have a National Healthy Schools Award and as part of this we operate a healthy packed lunch policy. We expect all packed lunches to conform with this policy.

A healthy balanced diet has been shown to have a positive effect on behaviour.  It plays a vital role in growth and development as well as in avoiding obesity, tooth decay, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.