The Governing Body

Governor details 2022-23

S - Standards, R - Resources, P - Pay Committee



Committee Membership

Voting rights

Link Governor

Date of Appointment

End of term

Pecuniary interests

Kate Bulman Headteacher S, R Yes LAC 22/03/2023 N/A None
Pamela Cowan Co opted S, P Yes Pupil Premium 31/10/2023 21/10/2027 None
Samantha Days Co opted R Yes   27/02/2023 27/02/2027 Yes
Jennifer Gibson Parent R Yes Safeguarding 09/05/2022 09/05/2026 Yes
Yanghong Huang Co opted S, P Yes Maths 23/11/2020 23/11/2024 None
John Keyes Co opted R Yes   18/06/2024 18/06/2028 None
Paul Marshall Partnership R Yes   16/03/2024 16/03/2028 None
Helen Stevens Co opted S, P Yes Curriculum 22/11/2021 22/11/2025 Yes
Vacancy Local Authority            
John Walmsley Parent S Yes   18/07/2028 16/07/2028 Yes
Vanessa Williamson Staff S Yes   27/02/2024 27/02/2028 None

Historic (Governors who have left within the last 12 months)



Committee Membership

Voting rights

Link Governor

Date of Appointment

End of term

Pecuniary interests

Michael Allison Partnership R Yes   15/07/2019 15/07/2023 None
Laura Lodge Local Authority S Yes   16/07/2018 17/07/2023 None
Michael Swift Staff s Yes   30/01/2023 31/08/2023 None
John Geevar Parent S Yes   27/07/2023 27/02/2024 None
Carol Steedman Partnership, Chair of Governors P, S, R Yes Attendance 22/03/2015 22/03/2024 None
Peter Renshaw Co-opted, Vice Chair S,R Yes SEND 26/03/2018 30/04/2024 None

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