The Governing Body

Governor details 2024-2025

S - Standards, R - Resources, P - Pay Committee



Committee Membership

Voting rights

Link Governor

Date of Appointment

End of term

Pecuniary interests

Kate Bulman Headteacher S, R Yes LAC 25/03/2015 N/A None
Pamela Cowan Partnership S, P Yes Attendance  31/10/2023 31/10/2027 None
Samantha Days Co-opted, Chair of Resources Committee R Yes SEND 27/02/2023 27/02/2027 Yes
Cheryl Fox Co-opted, Vice Chair of Governors S Yes Safeguarding, English 16/07/2024 16/07/2028 tbc
Vacancy Parent            
Clair Goulding Staff S Yes    19/11/2024 19/11/2028 None
Yanghong Huang Co-opted S, P Yes Maths 23/11/2020 23/11/2028 None
John Keyes Local Authority R Yes Health and Safety 18/06/2024 18/06/2028 None
Paul Marshall Partnership, Chair of Governors R Yes Pupil Premium 27/02/2024 27/02/2028 None
Helen Stevens Co-opted, Chair of Standards Committee S, P Yes Curriculum 22/11/2021 22/11/2025 Yes
Caroline Hewitt Co-opted S Yes Personal Development 14/01/2025 14/01/2029 Yes 
John Walmsley Parent S Yes Personal Development 16/07/2024 16/07/2028 None

Historic (Governors who have left within the last 12 months)



Committee Membership

Voting rights

Link Governor

Date of Appointment

End of term

Pecuniary interests

Jennifer Gibson Parent, Chair of Governors R Yes Safeguarding 09/05/2022 29/10/2024 None
Vanessa Williamson Staff S Yes   27/02/2024 24/09/2024 None
John Geevar Parent S Yes   27/07/2023 27/02/2024 None
Carol Steedman Partnership, Chair of Governors P, S, R Yes Attendance 22/03/2015 23/03/2024 None
Peter Renshaw Co-opted, Vice Chair S,R Yes SEND 26/03/2018 30/04/2024 None


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